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Net Deals
Janurary 2023 - May 2023
Technologies Used
Django Framework
Created an e-commerce web application with the Django framework
in a 3-person team while applying the Agile development life cycle in my Intro to
Software Engineering course. The web
application has standard functionality such as creating accounts for buyers,
sellers, and admin users, creating and adding product listings to user's shopping
cart, and tracking product inventory for the seller accounts.
Take on the role of a software engineer in a team setting and apply four sprints
throughout the lifecycle.
Buyers, sellers, and admin accounts must be able to log in and have different
Buyer accounts can leave product ratings and check out items in their shopping carts.
Seller accounts can add and edit product listing's name, description, image, price,
and category.
Admin accounts can add and approve new user accounts and oversee users' actions.
Site functionality like searching, comparing, buying, and returning items on the
The primary focus was on functionality due to the restricted time in each phase of
the life cycle.
Can only handle a limited number of data due to storing it in SQLite.
A dog listing that displays product information.Two listings of a cat being compared with price and rating information.
The project is divided into four sprints, each consisting of planning, design,
coding/testing, and implementation phases.
Sprint 1: Planning
During sprint 1, I gathered and sorted requirements for the application from the
project stakeholders into a software specification document.
A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document describes what the software
will do, how it is expected to perform, its limitations, and how it will accomplish
stakeholder goals. Using an SRS ensures that every individual involved in the
development process understands what needs to be built.
Sprint 2: Design
In sprint 2, I developed user stories for some system features to define user
User stories are brief descriptions of a software feature from the perspective of
the end user who will interact with the software.
Also, in sprint 2, I designed two diagrams. The Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Architecture diagram and UML Class diagrams.
The architecture diagram demonstrates the interactions between different parts of
the Model-View-Controller (MVC) system. It shows how the Controller handles user
requests, how the Model retrieves the data, and how the View displays this data to
the user.
In the diagram below, the browser requests data from the controller. The controller
then fetches the data from the model, which retrieves that data from an external
database, such as SQLite. Once the model has retrieved the data, it is sent back to
the controller. Finally, the controller displays the data to the view, which is the
front-end HTML content.
Diagram demonstrating the relationship between client (Browser), server (MVC layout), and the database.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram showcases the relationships
between each class in the software.
In the diagram below, the User class acts as a superclass, providing its attributes
(variables) and methods (functions) to the subclasses Login, Buyer, Seller, and
Admin. The Buyer class can create one or more instances of the Order, Cart, and
Listing classes for each user. This also applies to the seller class, which creates
one or more instances of the Listing class.
Diagram demonstrating the relationships between each class in the e-commerce web application.
Sprint 3: Coding Phase
In sprint 3, I developed and integrated several backend features including return listing, forgot password, and order history to enhance software functionality.
Afterward, I wrote unit tests using Django’s built-in unit testing library to ensure code reliability and performance.
Sprint 4: Implementation Phase
Ran the Pylint static analysis tool to assess software quality to ensure it adheres to coding conventions.
Verified all the application requirements from the Software Requirements Specification Document and the User stories to see if all features matched the user’s expectations.
Managing time effectively while implementing features on the website and balancing
other classes and projects.
Limited knowledge of the Django framework. Difficult time implementing features due
to limited understanding of the framework.
Learning how to manage priorities, assisting teammates with struggles, and
communicate effectively.
Lessons Learned
You don't need to know everything about the technology that you are working with,
only the details to accomplish the task effectively.
Manage tasks based on priority and due date. Allocate more time to issues that you
don't understand or having a difficult time implementing.
Checking up on teammates can provide new perspectives to accomplish a task and
overcome project struggles.
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